We have a selection of signs that can be customised on-line with your own text. Click the details button on these images to try..
We manufacture and supply signage and visual safety products throughout New Zealand.
We've supplied safety signage, and customised sign products for over 20 years. At Segno we are constantly improving our signage to comply with the latest standards, regulations and codes of practice.
Segno can handle all of your safety signage needs.
General Safety Signs & Labels
Our range of safety tapes and labels includes tapes, sh…
Construction & Site Signs
Ensure your emergency exits have restricted access with…
Segno offer a comprehensive range of general commercial…
Dangerous good labels, hazchem symbols, on site and sto…
We can provide you with high visibility safety signs to…
You will need quality road signs hardware to inform peo…
These signs are required when you need to isolate elect…
Farming Industry Signs in all shapes and sizes, designe…
We have ideal selections for you to choose from. Including, signage, safety signs and customised sign products. Click below for tailored information:
Need to get your products from a reliable distributor in your area? Then look no further. Find your local distributor right here.
Please browse our product range via the Products in the top navigation on this site or click below to view our catalogue.
8 King Street, Frankton
PO Box 5016
Frankton, Hamilton 3242
New Zealand
Phone: 07 846 6146
Free Phone: 0800 473 466
Fax: 07 846 6140
Email: sales@segno.co.nz